Krisjanis Karins, Einars Repse, Ilmars Rimsevics, Janis Maizitis, Janis Kazocins

Krisjanis Karins was Latvian Minister of the Economy at the time John Christmas blew the whistle on Parex Bank.  Karins was one of the recipients of the original whistleblowing letter from 2005, together with Einars Repse (Minister of Defense), Ilmars Rimsevics (Governor of the Bank of Latvia), and Janis Maizitis (General Prosecutor).

All of these gentlemen ignored the whistleblowing and therefore hold reponsibility for causing the Latvian Financial Crisis.  However, Latvian newspapers refuse to inform the Latvian people and therefore the same men are still running Latvia in 2012.

When Christmas began receiving murder threats from Parex, Karins told Christmas to report the problem to Janis Kazocins at the Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau.  Kazocins also ignored the problem and sat and watched while the national economy was destroyed.  He also remains in power today.

Karins email

SAB email

Jekaterina Ecina of Parex Bank warned whistleblower

The communication from Jekaterina Ecina of Parex Bank to whistleblower John Christmas in January 2006 was criminal in several ways.

Even though the communication was about a murder and a murder threat, the Latvian authorities refused to investigate.

Also, this communication has been censored from the Latvian media.

The Latvian government is comfortable spending billions of euros of taxpayer money on the unnecessary Parex bailout.  However, the Latvian government is not comfortable spending thousands of euros to investigate an alleged murder involving Parex.

The email below was addressed to Andris Straumanis of  This website has consistently refused to publish true information about Parex, presumably to paint a rosy picture of Latvia for Western Latvians who would be unhappy to know that thugs from the KGB still control Latvia now in 2012.

Ecina warning

Valters Kronbergs, Ernst & Young, Parex Bank

When John Christmas learned in August 2004 that the financial statements of his employer, Parex Bank, were false, he blew the whistle as required by law.  He gave a long list of frauds to Ernst & Young Baltics partner Valters Kronbergs.  If Ernst & Young had withdrawn its audit opinions, as required by law, then the Latvian Financial Crisis never would have happened.  Latvia would have a thriving economy today, like its neighbor Estonia.

Unfortunately, Kronbergs reacted to the whistleblowing by sometimes denying that the whistleblowing took place and sometimes getting angry at the whistleblower.  The auditors refused to investigate the frauds and continued to sign Parex annual reports until 2009, after the nationalization.

Many more Parex frauds have been revealed in recent years, but the Ernst & Young auditors don’t care.  They refuse to withdraw their opinions.

Below is an email in which Kronbergs denied the whistleblowing.  It is a simple matter to analyze the wording of this email and determine that he was lying.

And, this paragraph is from a businessman who wrote to Christmas after seeing Kronbergs.  While Kronbergs was denying that the whistleblowing occurred in emails, he was telling people that Christmas was a horrible person for being a whistleblower.

“Where are you? Still in Spain? What are you up to? I understand that you are not too popular in some quarters in Riga, especially dangerously – Parex – and some of the ex-pats [Valters Kronbergs] you apparently included in your assault on Parex? So I heard, but that does not mean any of it is true or otherwise.”

Kronbergs denial

FKTK refused to act

The Latvian Financial and Capital Markets Commission (FKTK) received details of material frauds at Parex Bank from whistleblower John Christmas in May 2005.  The FKTK refused to act.  As a result, the Republic of Latvia suffered a financial and demographic crisis when the corrupt government forced the taxpayers to bail out Parex in October 2008.  Now in March 2012, Christmas is still waiting for the FKTK to begin to investigate the Parex frauds.  He has been unable to enter Latvia since the whistleblowing even though he is a citizen of Latvia.  He has been repeatedly threatened with death for many years and Latvian authorities refuse to investigate.

FKTK email

FKTK letter