This document from the United States Department of Justice indicates that a company paid bribes to Riga City politicians to sell buses in 2000.
The accusation must refer to the sale of buses from Solaris of Poland to Riga Transportation (formerly Imanta and Talava). The sale was financed by Parex Bank.
Nobody has been prosecuted. The names “Solaris” and “Parex” have been censored from all Latvian media articles on the subject. And, Solaris continues to sell buses to Riga now in 2012.
Interestingly, the Latvian media did determine that former Riga mayor Gundars Bojars must have been involved. Bojars’ involvement is not surprising since he was also involved in the notorious ”Baltic Kristina” deal with Parex. Nobody was prosecuted in that case, either.
Bojars is currently free and rich. He is cooperating with Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg to construct a new building for the Latvian State Revenue Service.
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