EBRD fraud explained in letter

This letter by John Christmas to the British Serious Fraud Office (SFO) explains a multi-billion-euro fraud crime committed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) against all of the people in the world.

Specifically, the letter explains the “put option” fraud when the EBRD bought Parex Bank stock from the Latvian government.

This fraud has been censored in the Latvian media.  Some attachments to the letter used to be at dissident website Kargins.com, but that was later censored by the Latvian government.

EBRD fraud letter

Declaration by John Christmas, Parex Bank whistleblower

John Christmas was the whistleblower from Parex Bank.  He gave fraud information to Ernst & Young in 2004.  He gave fraud information to the Latvian government in 2005.  He was terrorized with threats and fled from Latvia.  Ernst & Young and the Latvian government ignored the information.

The Parex fraud grew much larger and caused the Latvian Financial Crisis in 2008.

Now in 2012, there still has never been any investigation of the whistleblowing by Latvian (or European) authorities even though the fraud occurred in Latvia (and Europe).

This is a declaration written by John Christmas in January 2010.  The declaration was written at the request of Varu Tautai.  A translation (with a few errors) used to be online at VaruTautai.lv.  Most of the information in the declaration has been censored in the Latvian media.

One note:  In January 2010 when the declaration was written, it appeared that the FBI and United States Department of Justice were not going to use the information that they received from Christmas in October 2007.  However, in April 2010 it was revealed that the information was used in the USA versus Daimler settlement.  The FBI was back in communication with Christmas immediately after the announcement of the settlement.


Latvia ejected a Russian spy?

When John Christmas was hired by Parex Bank, he was contacted by Dimitry Yermolaev, the Third Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia, to have lunch.

Yermolaev informed Christmas that Parex was a criminal organization.

Christmas informed Yermolaev that the new Latvian government, run by Prime Minister Einars Repse, would crack down on corruption.  At the time, a large corruption issue in Latvia was the obviously criminal purchase of the “Baltic Kristina” ferry.  Parex was involved.  Repse said that the government would take action.

Yermolaev informed Christmas that Repse will never take action against Parex because Repse worked for the “Jewish KGB Mafia” (Yermolaev’s words).  Yermolaev said that in earlier years Repse worked in cooperation with former KGB agent Grigory Krupnikov to put Bank of Latvia (Latvian central bank) deposits into KGB banks.

The allegations were never investigated.  The story has been censored by the Latvian press.  Repse remains a leading Latvian politician.

The only action taken by the Latvian government was to eject Yermolaev from the country.  Christmas had already been ejected from the country by this time.

pdf snapshot from 20 March 2012:

Dmitry Jermolayev

link, if not yet censored by Latvian authorities:



Krisjanis Karins, Einars Repse, Ilmars Rimsevics, Janis Maizitis, Janis Kazocins

Krisjanis Karins was Latvian Minister of the Economy at the time John Christmas blew the whistle on Parex Bank.  Karins was one of the recipients of the original whistleblowing letter from 2005, together with Einars Repse (Minister of Defense), Ilmars Rimsevics (Governor of the Bank of Latvia), and Janis Maizitis (General Prosecutor).

All of these gentlemen ignored the whistleblowing and therefore hold reponsibility for causing the Latvian Financial Crisis.  However, Latvian newspapers refuse to inform the Latvian people and therefore the same men are still running Latvia in 2012.

When Christmas began receiving murder threats from Parex, Karins told Christmas to report the problem to Janis Kazocins at the Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau.  Kazocins also ignored the problem and sat and watched while the national economy was destroyed.  He also remains in power today.

Karins email

SAB email