Transparency International, Delna, Parex Bank

Transparency International’s Latvian affiliate Delna announced the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index at the former office of Parex Bank.  Here is a comment from Delna Director Kristaps Petermanis:

On a more jolly note, we announced the 2011 CPI in the former Parex premises on Valdemara Street 8, because Parex to a great extent symbolizes the corruption related ills we have in Latvia. We made the 2010 CPI announcement at the Southern Bridge that was that year’s corruption symbol.

Isn’t it interesting that Transparency International believes that Parex “symbolizes the corruption” in Latvia and yet Parex is funded directly by the EBRD and Latvian government and indirectly by the European Union, World Bank, and IMF?

Here is a photo of the event:

Transparency International at Parex Bank