United States Department of Justice, Daimler, Parex Bank

On 1 April 2010, the United States Department of Justice announced a settlement with Daimler AG of $185 million for paying bribes in Latvia and other countries.

Latvian authorities refuse to prosecute the bribe recipients and intermediaries.

The Latvian media refuses to mention Parex Bank in articles about the Daimler settlement even though Parex financed the transaction.

pdf snapshop:

USDoJ Daimler




United States Department of Justice, Daimler, Russia, Latvia

The following document contains some details from the United States Department of Justice case against Daimler AG, dated 22 March 2010.

Bribes to Russian officials went to Latvian bank accounts.

Shortly after the announcement of the Daimler settlement came an announcement that HP also paid bribes to Russian officials through a Latvian bank.  Those bribes were paid to the Russian Prosecutors Office.

Nobody has been prosecuted anywhere for any of these crimes.

pdf snapshop:

Daimler Russia

