KGB links Parex Bank with Russian Mafia nukes

A former KGB agent sent an email to Parex Bank whistleblower John Christmas.  While reading about connections with the “Russian mafia” and smuggling “nuclear component,” remember that Parex is fraudulently funded by the EBRD and has been “audited” for many years by Ernst & Young and PWC.  Latvian taxpayers should wonder why the highest spending priority of the Latvian government in all of Latvian history was bailing out the shell-company deposits at Parex.  The email below is being posted with the permission of the author.


Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 08:34:11 +0000
From: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Latvian State Police – referral by Luke Harding
To: xxxxx

Dear John,

Many thanks for your emails, which I found out to be very interesting. In relation to possible exposure of Parex: First of all, apart of yourself, I have completely different background (not financial one) and therefore, my knowledge about Parex an, particularly about its two “main gurus” – Kargin and Krasovitsky – is based on slightly different info. I was familiar with both these ‘geniuses’ since the time when Parex was not a largest bank in Latvia, but when it was a small currency exchange company. At that time, I came across to knowledge that they were heavily involved into money laundry (including ‘legalisation’ of so-called soviet communist party’s secret assets) ops conducted by both the Russian organised crime and Russian security services illegally operating in Baltic region. For instance, I am aware that Parex (Kargin and Krasovitsky) actively used for these ops certain ‘commercial’ firms which were in front of the Russian security services. In addition, I am aware about one illegal deal with participation of Parex (provided cash), when the specific amount of the nuclear component has been smuggled through the territory of Latvia to the West. Secondly, all my further intel I have received regarding Parex, due the nature of my ex-espionage work, was related to that similar “business”. For instance, I am aware they used for their illegal operations some offshore “bank” located in Republic of Nauru, as well as I am aware about one shadowy deal with issuing a fictitious bank guarantee (by Parex Bank) to the representatives of Russian mafia in the amount of 50mlns USD in 1997/98. Based on all the above, I am afraid my expertise about Parex is quiet specific and differ from your own intel. In the given circumstances, please, feel free meeting me so we can discuss the possible effective way whether and how can we work together in the future.

Kind regards,

Boris Karpichkov from London


Here is an article about Mr. Karpichkov:

Transparency International, Delna, Parex Bank

Transparency International’s Latvian affiliate Delna announced the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index at the former office of Parex Bank.  Here is a comment from Delna Director Kristaps Petermanis:

On a more jolly note, we announced the 2011 CPI in the former Parex premises on Valdemara Street 8, because Parex to a great extent symbolizes the corruption related ills we have in Latvia. We made the 2010 CPI announcement at the Southern Bridge that was that year’s corruption symbol.

Isn’t it interesting that Transparency International believes that Parex “symbolizes the corruption” in Latvia and yet Parex is funded directly by the EBRD and Latvian government and indirectly by the European Union, World Bank, and IMF?

Here is a photo of the event:

Transparency International at Parex Bank

Alstom, Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office, Parex Bank

On 22 November 2011, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office announced that it ordered French company Alstom to pay 31 million euros for bribery in Latvia, Tunisia, and Malaysia.

According to the Latvian press, the bribe recipients were Karlis Mikelsons, Aigars Melko, and Gunars Cvetkovs at state energy company Latvenergo.

The Latvian project was financed by Parex Bank, however this fact has been omitted from all Latvian media articles.

The Latvian authorities are refusing to prosecute the bribe recipients and bribe intermediaries.

pdf snapshop from 18 March 2012:

DB Alstom

link if not yet censored by Latvian authorities:


United States Department of Justice, Daimler, Parex Bank

On 1 April 2010, the United States Department of Justice announced a settlement with Daimler AG of $185 million for paying bribes in Latvia and other countries.

Latvian authorities refuse to prosecute the bribe recipients and intermediaries.

The Latvian media refuses to mention Parex Bank in articles about the Daimler settlement even though Parex financed the transaction.

pdf snapshop:

USDoJ Daimler



United States Department of Justice, Daimler, Russia, Latvia

The following document contains some details from the United States Department of Justice case against Daimler AG, dated 22 March 2010.

Bribes to Russian officials went to Latvian bank accounts.

Shortly after the announcement of the Daimler settlement came an announcement that HP also paid bribes to Russian officials through a Latvian bank.  Those bribes were paid to the Russian Prosecutors Office.

Nobody has been prosecuted anywhere for any of these crimes.

pdf snapshop:

Daimler Russia


United States Department of Justice, Solaris Bus, Gundars Bojars, Viktor Vekselberg

This document from the United States Department of Justice indicates that a company paid bribes to Riga City politicians to sell buses in 2000.

The accusation must refer to the sale of buses from Solaris of Poland to Riga Transportation (formerly Imanta and Talava).  The sale was financed by Parex Bank.

Nobody has been prosecuted.  The names “Solaris” and “Parex” have been censored from all Latvian media articles on the subject.  And, Solaris continues to sell buses to Riga now in 2012.

Interestingly, the Latvian media did determine that former Riga mayor Gundars Bojars must have been involved.  Bojars’ involvement is not surprising since he was also involved in the notorious ”Baltic Kristina” deal with Parex.  Nobody was prosecuted in that case, either.

Bojars is currently free and rich.  He is cooperating with Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg to construct a new building for the Latvian State Revenue Service.

pdf snapshot:

USDoJ Solaris


Declaration by John Christmas, Parex Bank whistleblower

John Christmas was the whistleblower from Parex Bank.  He gave fraud information to Ernst & Young in 2004.  He gave fraud information to the Latvian government in 2005.  He was terrorized with threats and fled from Latvia.  Ernst & Young and the Latvian government ignored the information.

The Parex fraud grew much larger and caused the Latvian Financial Crisis in 2008.

Now in 2012, there still has never been any investigation of the whistleblowing by Latvian (or European) authorities even though the fraud occurred in Latvia (and Europe).

This is a declaration written by John Christmas in January 2010.  The declaration was written at the request of Varu Tautai.  A translation (with a few errors) used to be online at  Most of the information in the declaration has been censored in the Latvian media.

One note:  In January 2010 when the declaration was written, it appeared that the FBI and United States Department of Justice were not going to use the information that they received from Christmas in October 2007.  However, in April 2010 it was revealed that the information was used in the USA versus Daimler settlement.  The FBI was back in communication with Christmas immediately after the announcement of the settlement.


Guntars Vitols of Parex Bank threatened whistleblower

In late 2005, John Christmas learned that the Latvian State Revenue Service (VID) would look at the Parex Bank fraud information.  This was great news, because the Latvian Prosecutors Office, Latvian financial regulator, Latvian central bank, Latvian Ministry of the Economy, and other government agencies refused to investigate.

Christmas knew that a senior person in the VID was the mother-in-law of the former President of Parex Asset Management, Guntars Vitols.  Vitols spoke often about how much he hated the liars at Parex, and therefore it seemed possible that he wanted revenge.

Christmas asked Vitols to tell what he knew about tax evasion (paying employee bonuses in unreported envelopes stuffed with American hundred-dollar bills) to the VID.  Christmas suggested going to the American FBI if the Latvian government did nothing.

Vitols apparently went to Parex and warned them that Christmas might go to the FBI instead of telling what he knew to VID.

Christmas received the warning from Jekaterina Ecina immediately afterward.  Parex had sent thugs to look for Christmas.

Fortunately, Christmas was outside of Latvia and therefore safe.  He reported the threats to the Latvian government with only one result:  Vitols contacted Christmas and said that Christmas should expect a phone call from a prosecutor who will explain that Christmas must renounce the whistleblowing or else get prosecuted.

A prosecutor did not call, however Vitols himself called back.  This time, Christmas was ready with a recording device.  Vitols tried to convince Christmas to sign a false confession that the whistleblowing was not true, threatening arrest by Interpol and prosecution in Latvia otherwise.

In the transcripts and recordings below, Vitols (acting as an intermediary for Parex Oligarch Viktor Krasovitsky and the Latvian Prosecutors Office) communicates this illegal threat to Christmas.

It is possible to confirm from the recordings that Vitols himself was witness to at least two of the material frauds at Parex.  He was witness to tax evasion (bonuses paid in envelopes).  And, he was witness to the unreported issuance of stock options (he said “stock agreement” once and “stock option” later).

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Kempmayer, Parex Bank, censorship

One of the largest corruption cases in Latvian history was the Kempmayer digital television scam.

Parex Bank was involved, however the Latvian media never mentions Parex in articles about Kempmayer.  Why not?

As usual, nobody has been punished – except the Latvian taxpayers and the international taxpayers who give money to the Latvian government.

This email from 2004 lists Parex crimes (including Kempmayer) that were uncovered by the United States government.  The Ambassador of the United States was repeatedly refusing invitations to meet Parex president Valery Kargin.  This list of crimes was provided as the reason.

Kempmayer email has well-researched articles about the fraud and money laundering industry in Latvia.  The articles include information that does not appear in Latvian newspapers.  Here is a quote from an article about Parex Bank:

“According to representatives of post-nationalized Parex Bank, Burwell was director of companies that received loans from Parex before nationalisation that the bank now suspects were hidden loans to the former shareholders Kargins and Krasovickis.”