“Gunvor confirmed it had a contract with Ventbunkers, the operator of the Latvian Ventspils oil terminal on the Baltic Sea, for the discharge, storage and transit of middle distillates.”
Source: http://www.blackhawkpartners.com/links.aspx”
“Ventbunkers, who had previously offered services to many of its clients,
began to offer them to only three select companies – Litasco (part of Lukoil group), and well-known Russian oil trading companies Gunvor International BV and Petrotrans Ltd.”
Source: http://www.pietiek.com/raksti/meroni_atklaj,_ka_berkis_smelis_krejumu_no_ventbunkera
“International trading firm Gunvor has locked up all of the storage facilities for clean refined products at the Ventbunkers terminal in the Latvian port of Ventspils, effectively cutting out the ability of smaller traders to continue operating at the port because of the presence of three dominant players.”