Comments on: New video about the EBRD/Parex fraud! UPDATED
Exposing Russia's gateway to the E.U.Wed, 17 Apr 2013 02:37:34 +0000hourly1 Tom Schmit
Tom SchmitSun, 01 Jul 2012 05:21:00 +0000ģi – have you at all explored the claims in the video or, for that matter, the other stories on the site? They are highly specific and sourced.
What about he work of Inga Sprinģe and Baltic Center for Investigative Journalism ( Their stories are specific and well researched. As for anonymity… do you live in Latvia? Even at its most basic level, allowing anonymity is key here. A few doors down from us in Āgenskalns, we have a flat that sells cigs and šņabis from their door. To go the standard root of calling the police and making a formal report is hazardous to one’s health. Have to go the anonymous way. And that is just at the level of a local, small time criminal.
]]>By: Uģis Sprūdžs
Uģis SprūdžsFri, 29 Jun 2012 03:27:00 +0000 – my comments expressed a personal opinion, not that of Reformu Partija. I am not their spokesperson. The position of the Latvian government, btw. on pensions is not that they should be “slashed”, but that retirement age be progressively increased. The current system is structurally unsustainable. Regarding transparency, it appears we disagree about what it is and how to promote it. Anonymous video clips with inflammatory language tend to do as much harm as good, though I understand that someone who has been victimized or feels victimized by Parex would tend to overlook that. Cover-ups and fraud should absolutely be disclosed, but this should be done in a manner that doesn’t call into question the objectivity of the source.
Ugis Sprudzs
]]>By: John Christmas
John ChristmasThu, 28 Jun 2012 19:00:00 +0000 Uģis Sprūdžs, from “Reformu Partija,” posted this comment on the FB wall of Latvian journalist Juris Kaža regarding the new video. “Reformu Partija” is one of the Latvian political parties that supports slashing pensions to bail out offshore shell-companies:
“I am suspicious of this clip and would not recommend propagating it. It smacks of nationalist russophobia and anti-Wall Street conspiracy theories. There’s plenty that’s non-transparent about Latvian banking institutions without mixing in this kind of stuff.”
He believes the clearly-evidenced fraud at Parex Bank should be covered-up in order to promote transparency in Latvian banking.
]]>By: John Christmas
John ChristmasThu, 28 Jun 2012 18:01:00 +0000ģis Sprūdžs, from ”Reformu Partija,” posted this comment on the FB wall of Latvian journalist Juris Kaza, regarding the new video. “Reformu Partija” is one of the Latvian political parties that supports slashing pensions to bailout offshore shell-company deposits:
“I am suspicious of this clip and would not recommend propagating it. It smacks of nationalist russophobia and anti-Wall Street conspiracy theories. There’s plenty that’s non-transparent about Latvian banking institutions without mixing in this kind of stuff.”
Essentially, what he is saying is that the clearly-evidenced fraud at Parex Bank should be covered-up in order to promote transparency in Latvian banking.
]]>By: Andi
AndiTue, 26 Jun 2012 11:29:00 +0000 video, very informative and hopefully it will bring about for a change and elimination of corruption in Latvia.