Comments on: Valters Kronbergs, Ernst & Young, Parex Bank
Exposing Russia's gateway to the E.U.Wed, 17 Apr 2013 02:37:34 +0000hourly1 Jsp-trading
Jsp-tradingWed, 20 Jun 2012 21:10:00 +0000 Kronbergs has himself explicitly told me that the conversation with John Christmas did take place and there were problems with the financial statements of Parex bank. Kronbergs told me that Christmas was quite upset during their conversation (apparently in a bar over a drink) and the evidence was somewhat indirect and not perfectly organized when Christmas handed it over to Kronbergs, yet the information provided by Christmas (and in the context of previous knowledge Kronbergs referred to) was sufficient that Kronbergs, according to what he told me, had no doubt whatsoever left about the illegal operations within Parex and statements referred to by Christmas being fraudulent. He also told me he will deny that such conversation ever took place and was very upset about Christmas making it public.