james brown, john doe, Liga Purina, Roberts Stugis, Ernst & Young, Parex Bank

This internal email from Parex Bank indicates that (1) the Parex financial statements were false and (2) all four vice presidents and the head of accounting knew.

The email reveals that Extro Bank, Nezavisimost, Allen Finance, and Northern Investment Bank were “de facto subsidiaries.”

This was illegal in many ways.  Parex was supposed to have permission from the Latvian regulator and Russian regulator to own Extro Bank in Russia.  Parex was supposed to have permission from the Latvian regulator and Belarusian regulator to own Northern Investment Bank in Belarus.

These companies (and a few more leasing companies that were also undisclosed subsidiaries but were not named in this email, such as Extro Leasing) were funded with loans from Parex that were on the books as loans to unrelated parties.  The total amount of these loans was larger than the bank’s equity.  Therefore, the bank effectively had negative equity.

This was one of the frauds in John Christmas’ whistleblowing to Ernst & Young in August 2004.  Parex reacted by changing the leasing companies from “loans to unrelated parties” into “subsidiaries” without admitting that this had been a fraud.  This cover-up, done with fake purchases, was another fraud.  The auditor Ernst & Young knew and did not care.  Perhaps this was because two of the four vice presidents, john doe and Liga Purina, were former employees of the auditor.

When Parex gave its liabiliities to the Latvian government at the end of 2008, the government retained Roberts Stugis as head of accounting and Ernst & Young as auditor.  Clearly, the government’s objective was to cover-up the truth about Parex while at the same time receiving bailout funds from foreign governments.

brown email

Kempmayer, Parex Bank, censorship

One of the largest corruption cases in Latvian history was the Kempmayer digital television scam.

Parex Bank was involved, however the Latvian media never mentions Parex in articles about Kempmayer.  Why not?

As usual, nobody has been punished – except the Latvian taxpayers and the international taxpayers who give money to the Latvian government.

This email from 2004 lists Parex crimes (including Kempmayer) that were uncovered by the United States government.  The Ambassador of the United States was repeatedly refusing invitations to meet Parex president Valery Kargin.  This list of crimes was provided as the reason.

Kempmayer email


ReportingProject.net has well-researched articles about the fraud and money laundering industry in Latvia.  The articles include information that does not appear in Latvian newspapers.  Here is a quote from an article about Parex Bank:

“According to representatives of post-nationalized Parex Bank, Burwell was director of companies that received loans from Parex before nationalisation that the bank now suspects were hidden loans to the former shareholders Kargins and Krasovickis.”



Rebaltica.lv contains information about the Latvian money-laundering industry.  The website is a welcome source of true information coming from a country where most of the media is controlled by oligarchs and used to disseminate propaganda.

The money-laundering industry got started in Latvia immediately after “independence” when KGB agent Grigory Loutchansky and Russian prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin used Latvian banks to skim billions of dollars from Gazprom.

Over the years, Latvian banks have faced limited sanctions from the United States and Russia.  However, these sanctions were not enough and the money-laundering industry continues to thrive in Latvia.

The biggest losers?  The Latvian people themselves since the Latvian government has been thoroughly corrupted and looted by the money-laundering banks.


Tiesashanas ka Kekis book

All people with serious interest in Latvian corruption should read this book, which is a collection of phone conversation transcripts.

The book explains the relationship between Parex Bank and the Latvian Prosecutors Office, intermediated by “lawyer” Andris Grutups.


Gundars Valdmanis, Starp Dzirnakmeniem

All people with serious interest in Latvian corruption should read this book.  Do you believe the Latvian Justice Department is compliant with European Union standards?  Think again.
