Krisjanis Karins was Latvian Minister of the Economy at the time John Christmas blew the whistle on Parex Bank. Karins was one of the recipients of the original whistleblowing letter from 2005, together with Einars Repse (Minister of Defense), Ilmars Rimsevics (Governor of the Bank of Latvia), and Janis Maizitis (General Prosecutor).
All of these gentlemen ignored the whistleblowing and therefore hold reponsibility for causing the Latvian Financial Crisis. However, Latvian newspapers refuse to inform the Latvian people and therefore the same men are still running Latvia in 2012.
When Christmas began receiving murder threats from Parex, Karins told Christmas to report the problem to Janis Kazocins at the Latvian Constitutional Protection Bureau. Kazocins also ignored the problem and sat and watched while the national economy was destroyed. He also remains in power today.